"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

April 29, 2018

April 28, 2018

April 26, 2018

Day #106 - OpenCV for Python3

Finally installed OpenCV for python3 following steps in link 

Anaconda 3 Distribution works fine perfectly!
pip install opencv-python

Happy Learning!!!

April 16, 2018

Day #105 - Ensemble Tips and Tricks

Diversity based on Algorithms
  • 2~3 gradient boosted trees (lightgb, xgboost, catboost)
  • Neural networks (Keras, Pytorch)
  • 1~2 Extra trees (Random Forest)
  • 1-2 knn models
Diversity based on inputdata
  • Categorical features (one hot, label encoding, target encoding)
  • Numerical features (Outliers, binning, derivatives, percentiles)
  • Interactions (col1*/+-col2),groupby,unsupervised
Subsequent level tips
  • GDM with depth 3
  • Linear models with high regularization
  • Extra trees
Happy Learning!!!

April 12, 2018

Smart City Analytics

A picture is worth thousand words. This picture tweeted World Economic Forum is worth million words. A great example of smart city with the list of use cases. Every use case has implied analytics on top of it. A summary of it listed together

Area Concept Explanation Learning Analytics Role
Buildings Green Building Roof Top garden, Asorb CO2 produce Oxygen Architecture to reduce Co2, Better lighting reduce energy consumption
Buildings Building management Automation and Optimization of Hearing, Lighting, ventilation Analytics to predict energy consumption, cooler maintenance, predict failures, Anamoly detection
Buildings Fire safety Intelligent extinguishing customized based on design / plan / materials / goods in it based on items kept decide on type and quantity and type of extinguisher
Environment Permeter Access Control Access, Moniutoring CCTV, Intruder detection Video Analytics, Face Recognition, Eye Detection
Environment RoofTop Wind Turbine For high rise buildings Renewable energy generation Monitor the turbine performance, Identify any anamoly in device operations to predict failures, Forecast on performance or energy generation based on trends and seasons
Environment Air Pollution Control Control Co2 Emissions of Factories Predict growing CO2 Emissions based on increasing number of factories, vehicles
Environment Building Integrated Photovoltaics Solar Panel integrated into building fabric to replace conventional materials Renewable energy generation Device Monitoring, Predictive maintenance
Environment / Infrastructure Smart Grid Energy Consumption and Monitoring Predict , Forecast Energy needs
Environment/Buildings Chemical Leakage Detection Detecting Leakages / Wastes of factories in rivers Identify / Penalize the faulty / corrupt ones Water Quality Analysis to detect and identify the waste induction points / points of failure
Environment/Buildings Real time Traffic updates Instant Traffic updates sent to smart phones to help route planning Already google traffic does crowd sourcing of Data and predicts traffic updates / delays
Infrastructure Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Vertical twisted wind turbines Similar to solar power lights across city with renewable energy sources
Infrastructure Structural health Monitor building infrastructure and condition Analytics to classify, eliminate old / low quality buildings
Life Waste Management Monitoring waste levels to optimize / refuse collection routes Efficient garbage management Video Analytics for garbage classification and segmentation
Life Smart Parking Parking Monitoring and management Planning, Video Analytics to identify empty parking slots
Life Earthquake Detection Analytics to find anamoly in readings to predict EarthQuarke
Utilities Potable Water Monitoring Monitor ground water levels, contamination, forecast the availability
Utilities Wifi In Metro / Public Places Classify, cluster usage based on gender / age group / economic levels
Utilities Water Leakage Detection Sensors to identify / monitor leaks in water supply
Utilities Landslide prevention Soil monitoring for early detection and prevention
Utilities Fast Lane / Smart Signals Optimize / divert based on real time traffic situations
Transport Electrical Transport Renewable enegy based transport systems

Happy Learning!!!

April 11, 2018

Day #104 - Working with DropBox

Python script to upload and download from dropbox. Install the dropbox package, get access token by signing up for dropbox. Create an app in dropbox console - Create an App on dropbox console (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps) and obtain access token

Happy Learning!!!

April 10, 2018

Day #103 - Hosting a flask Rest API

This post is on hosting a flask / rest API. This requires flask package. In Python 3.4 It was straight forward implementation

To execute run the code in python console - python example_gist.py

The following links were useful
link1, link2, chromeextension

Happy Learning!!!